๐Ÿค–Software testers (Q&A)

With a comprehensive toolset designed to automate and simplify the process, ensuring website accessibility, usability, and compliance has never been more easy.

Quality assurance for web accessibility usually involves multiple tools and platforms. Flowy offers an all-in-one solution, streamlining the QA process and ensuring a more accessible web experience for all.


Flowy offers a streamlined, collaborative solution for identifying, auditing, and fixing accessibility issues. Whether you opt for code-based or no-code solutions, Flowy provides real-time monitoring and comprehensive reporting features to keep you and your team on track.


  1. Identifying and prioritizing accessibility issues across web projects.

  2. Screen reader testing

  3. Collaborating with development and design teams for issue resolution

  4. Maintaining up-to-date records of testing, audits, and fixes

  5. Reporting compliance status to senior management

How It Works

Identify Issues

Utilize Flowy's suite of tools to automatically identify accessibility issues in web projects.

Create Audits

Use Flowy Audit to generate detailed audits that not only identify issues but also suggest fixes.

Collaborate With Teams

Share the audit with the development and design teams. They can review the suggested fixes and decide on the best course of action.

Fix Options

Choose to fix issues directly in the source code or use Flowy Builder for a no-code solution.

Monitor Compliance

Set up Flowy Monitor for real-time notifications on new or recurring accessibility issues.

Enterprise Oversight

For those managing multiple projects or teams, Flowy Compliance Manager offers a high-level view perfect for reporting and long-term planning.


  1. Streamlined process: From issue identification to remediation, everything is integrated, saving time and effort.

  2. Collaborative decision-making: Audits serve as a collaborative platform for teams to decide on fixes, whether in the source code or via Flowy Builder.

  3. Real-time monitoring: Stay ahead of any new issues and ensure ongoing compliance.

  4. Comprehensive reporting: Easily generate reports for senior management, showcasing compliance status and QA efforts.

  5. Flexibility: Choose between code-based or no-code solutions for issue remediation, offering greater flexibility in approach.

Start a free 7-day trial and unlock full access to Flowy tools and features today!

Last updated