
This chapter provides an overview of landmarks and an easy-to-follow guide to fix landmarks issues on your website.

Landmark Elements

Landmarks on a web page are like friendly signs in a building that says, "Hey, important stuff this way!". Just like signs in a building save you from wandering aimlessly, landmarks on a web page make it easier to navigate and find what you're looking for.

The main landmark on a web page is like a building's main entrance. It helps all users, including those with disabilities, find the important stuff. It guides everyone to the most essential content on a web page.

People with disabilities who rely on assistive technologies can easily access the main information because it's well organized.

How to Fix Landmark Issues with Flowy.

  1. Determine which area of the page contains the primary content of your web page that is most relevant to assistive technologies and user experience.

  2. Click on the Elements tool and select the element.

  3. Select a css selector that represents the β€˜main’ area for the page.

  4. Choose the element landmark <main>, click rock and roll to confirm changes and that’s it

An article landmark is used to mark a standalone piece of content on a web page. Picture it as a special room inside a multi-floor building that holds its own special and interesting content. The <article> element helps organize and identify standalone pieces of content, making it easier for assistive technologies to understand and handle it correctly.

Implementing article with Flowy

How to Fix Article Issues with Flowy

  1. Determine which areas of your web page page contain a series of related information (such as image galleries,lists of videos, lists of products or lists of blog posts) that is relevant to assistive technologies and user experience.

  2. Pick the most appropriate elements that will identify as a <article> areas your content.

  3. Click on the Elements tool and select the element.

  4. Select the css selectors that represent the <article>sections for your webpage

  5. Choose the attribute <article>, click rock and roll and that’s it.

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