๐ŸŽนQuick menu

To view quick menu click the three dots for more actions with Flowy

The Flowy Quick Menu offers actions and options that are easily accessible to users for performing common tasks. These actions are related to the content or feature being accessed and include features like highlighting, quick fixes, dismissal, commenting, and others shown below. These options will be convenient for Flowy users, allowing them to access these features without the need to navigate through multiple pages.

Tip: Each page has a different type of quick fix.


This would put a focus ring on the element and will bring the screen to him.

The highlight icon

Quick fix

take the user through elements page ( selector is known and flowy connect is on) - user has to pick the attributes and its going to take him to Flowy Connect page.

The quick fix icon

Add to audit

Take the user to selector expanded page as audit is open with more options. Once the user fills the info, it sends the user to the manual page with the added elements.

Add to Audit

Select all / Unselect all

This option is only for bulk choice . to choose all elements on the page together.

Select and unselect all icons

Add to resolved

User who fix it in the source code- can move it to Resolved issues

Add to resolved icon


Move the item to a dismissed list. this issue is not fixed, or not true etc.

Dismiss icon


Only in flowy builder ability to edit the record or remove it.

Edit Icon


user can copy all the info we have on this selector info

Copy icon


user can click comment , it will open the comment under the selector, user can tag the person, it will be a conversation , when will make a notification for the user.


Magic button

This is Flowy magic. We work with the top prompt engeiners to create the best prompts for you.

Magic button icon

Thumbs up

user can like the solution that ChatGPT provided so we can improve the Prompts overtime

Thumbs up icon

Your own prompt

User can choose an element and run any prompt he wish

Your own prompt icon

Last updated